Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Memorable Adverts

Memorable Adverts
Malibu: Maliboom boom -

I find this advert memorable because the music is catchy and the dance they perform in the advertisement is memorable. It is also a humorous advert and intends to amuse the viewer.

Lucazade: Feeder's 'Buck Rogers' by The James Cleaver Quintet -

This advert is memorable because the music is catchy and enjoyable, the idea is original and new and it is something that people will discuss with their friends.

Fosters: Good Call! Haircut -

This advert is memorable because it has humorous content that can make people laugh, it is laid back and appeals to the male gender which is whom the product is targeted towards so it is successful in what it does.

Go Compare: Gio Compario, Coffee shop -

This advert is memorable for wrong reasons, the first time you hear it, it's catchy and an okay advert but after the fifth time it begins to annoy people to the point where they will change the channel to avoid it as it does get stuck in the person's head but instead of making them happily hum the tune it simply annoys them. Even though it has annoyed people it has also been successful and has gotten people to remember

Cadbury: Eyebrows -

This advert is good because it is humorous and entertaining, it also went viral online and got millions of views and people did their versions of it, it became so well known that television shows would do parodies of it, one example being The friday night project. Although no chocolate is actually shown in the advert until the end when the logo is displayed,it has been a successful advert and is recognisable by millions of people.

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