Friday 24 June 2011

Doctor Who's Child Bollards - Journalism Piece

Child shaped Bollards outside Plymouth's Compton Church of England Primary School  have been rejected by parents who claim that they are too scary and are "like something from dr.who".

The aim of the bollards were to make drivers slow down when entering an area with a school nearby.
Each bollard individually costs £350 each.

The idea was leaked to a local newsletter which made it's way into the hands of the parents and carers of the children that attened the school who then in turn complained in mass to the Plymoth City Council .

The city council came to this decision of Bollards due to the complaints that the roads near the school were dangerous.
One mother commented that she would like to see Zebra crossings and a lollypop man "because the roads are so busy".

The makers of the bollards remain 'proud' of their creations even though the school recieved the largest ammount of comments it had ever recieved for a consultation.

It is still unknown as to wether these bollards would work any differently to slowing down traffic than normal bollards which are cheaper.  It is currently unknown what they are actually going to do to slow down the traffic near the school, One thing is for sure, the Plymoth City Council are deffinetley rethinking the Dr.Who-esc Child Bollards.

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